Friday, January 14, 2005


where is the ease in normality

In order for science to be credible it must both explain and predict. Big grand theories that act like magic security blankets to comfort us with siren songs of normal, normal. It's okay that you didn't help that old man who fell on the subway at your feet, it's normal. Statistically significant to p = .04.
What does this take away from the experience of humanity? Does knowing that the earth is held to the sun through gravitational forces deplete the grandeur of a sunrise? Sunrises are constant. normal.

I'm not distressed by the effect of science on the human condition; human psyches are resilient. I'm concerned about the sum of all variations on this theme. If all people are effected slightly, cultures change drastically. Are we lashing ourselves to the mast of a ship headed in the wrong direction?
If all we do to steer is to point our nose toward what's comfortable and normal, all we get is a regression towards the mean. normal. status quo.

In order to be credible, we must be our own theories. Lead by example. It's like painting the boat while you're standing in it.

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