Monday, January 31, 2005


$$,$$$ ! ! !

In our more cultured society we have moved away from old traditions of hunting and gathering food stuff to the more delicate practice of hunting and gathering grant funding. The elusive and endangered grant monies require deftness of ability and much patience. They rarely come when called and can change or disappear altogether without warning.

I am so overwhelmed by the process of begging for money. You flash the cash and suddenly I am "underrepresented" and "in need" and threatened as a woman in a male dominated field.

I don't think any of those things have held me back in the past (despite constant assurances from those-who-know that they have), and I don't anticipate letting them hold me back in the future. But, money is a good thing to have, and a history of being funded is better, so I will deface myself on the alter of underrepresentation repeatedly as necessary in order to earn my keep.
May the monitory gods smile upon my humiliation.

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