Thursday, December 02, 2004


better with age?

An article in the New York Times today seems to be saying what young women are just starting to notice: Femminism has been patted on the head for being cute and sent to bed.

It's Still a Man's World on the Idiot Box

Women are increasingly allowing ourselves to be underestimated and overlooked. Did the last fifty years never happen? How is it that strength is considered to dilute beauty? Although I did watch a team of pretty blonds whip the asses off two buff man male teams on fear factor the other night. Since they won so well I'll forgive them their lipliner and belly shirts... but only this once.

Graduate Life Part One
side effects of graduate life may include:

2.Caffiene addiction
4.Sedative addiction

I've been cycling through the first three for the entire semester. Two nights ago I couldn't sleep until after 3am, this morning I was up and at-em at 5am, dark and early.
Sick. Sick. Sick.
Good news is: my apetite came back; bad news: it brought its friends Ben and Jerry.
Thank the juggly-thigh gods it comes in low fat versions.

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