Tuesday, November 23, 2004


a very very large bucket

I just realized this will be one of about 400 posts to 400 individual blogs on this site alone in the next ten minutes. We are not unique snowflakes.
Is this really connecting? Maybe I should have picked up prank calling instead. Better return rate.

We ARE unique snowflakes, just drifting together in a happy blizzard of reverie. For every person who "replies", there are hundreds who read and move on. If that doesn't daunt you, perhaps it will inspire you!

From one six-sided inticacy of molecular lace to another, I say, Blog On!

DrPat - I blog books.
My first post!!!!

[happy dance, happy dance, happy dance]
'Listen up, maggots. You are not special. You are not a beautiful or unique snowflake. You're the same decaying organic matter as everything else.' Tyler Durden in Fight Club

Well now... There's a happy thought!

Look at it this way, though. Of the 400 posts in the next ten minutes:
-96 will be about sports
-122 will be about American politics
-172 will employ extraordinarily bad grammar

If you can avoid being one of those, then you'll be one of the 10 remaining readable ones.
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