Tuesday, November 30, 2004


Strangeness in moderation

I woke up today feeling a little strange. After some pondering I decided it was an off balance feeling, and that I prefer balance in all things. Yin-yang, light-dark, up-down. Then necesarily balanced and off balanced. For everything a foil.
This is all part of my new ambition to remain calm more in my life. May be I should make it a new year's resolution. The only thing I'm troubled abot is if all things must be balanced, the perhaps the strife towards calm will detract from that balance. Perhaps balance should be considered a constant. (Along with change? What else?)

Other titles
There were a number of titles for this blog I went through before a settled on the one I used. Illusions of Permanance is my favorite. I also considered Academic Dragons, but I though that made academia seem scary, and that wasn't the point.

Monday, November 29, 2004

Yay, finally getting through to the posting page. Long holliday weekend containing lots of quality time with friends.

Tuesday, November 23, 2004


half a late night, and half a bottle of wine

equals half the guilt? I figure I should get in the habit of posting even if no one on earth knows this is here, and it really isn't ready for public viewing anyway. One small drop in a rather large bucket.
I want this to evolve organically, and since at this point I'm talking to a virtual empty room...
perhaps the point will come to me upon further contemplation.


a very very large bucket

I just realized this will be one of about 400 posts to 400 individual blogs on this site alone in the next ten minutes. We are not unique snowflakes.
Is this really connecting? Maybe I should have picked up prank calling instead. Better return rate.

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